The people we get to meet on our journey. Jackie Zicaro is one of the 12 coaches whose journey is outlined in Chapter 4, Meet The Mentors, in A Hero's Journey: Beyond Little Norway and Olympia Sports Camp . Her content looks at the arrival of allies and ogres in our journey. Jackie is surrounded by allies because that is what she is to so many. Jackie's ( nee Shaw) Olympia journey began as a babysitter for Gary Southworth. She went as a camper for three years before being hired as a counsellor when she was in grade 11. She worked at camp for four years, years that made her who she is today in many ways. As with many long-time Olympia people, Jackie's connections at Olympia led her to so much in her life. She was recruited to Lakehead University by Olympia coach Stu Julius. She had Patty Pangos as a coach at Olympia when she was in grade 8. When she graduated teacher's college Patty helped her get a position at Dr Denison in Newmarket. She got the job withou...