In writing A Hero's Journey: Beyond Little Norway and Olympia Sports Camp the chapters that dealt with Olympia looked at every segment of camp life and its impact on intense fun throughout the week. Coaches, campers, counsellors, full time staff, told me stories of their Olympia, and all added to the fabric of the book.
But in my 30+ year career of coaching I think a key cog to the whole operation is the senior staff.
The senior staff I have been fortunate to get to work with and then get to know through my writing includes some of the most amazing leaders on the planet. Jodie Collins, Danny Connelly, Denise ( Chub) Evans, Kyle Rysdale, and Kelly Dunham are a few names that come to mind. The great thing about Olympia is the list could include the names of a litany of senior staff over the 50-year history of camp.
The summer of 2024 sees another group of leaders whose role is not just to make this summer the best, but also to continue the legacy of so many that came before them. They are more than up to the task! In Last weeks Tuesday's With Dave we met Nicki Robertson, who is the Head Senior Staff and is studying in Prague before getting to camp later this month.
The Unit Leaders have a unique job in that they are each in charge of 15-20 counsellors, and they help train and facilitate everything at camp. All this while being involved with one or more of the systems that make the camp run.
Top: Ryan Byrne and Amy Maclennan
Bottom: L/R Sarah Stolz, Saige Vickers, Andrew Vanbackel
Missing: Nicki Robertson (Prague), Caellum Gallander (Australia )
This amazing group of young leaders will spend the next nine weeks talking the Olympia talk, but they also have walked the Olympia talk. In typical Olympia parlance, they are examples of a win/win situation. They will make the camp infinitely better, with their shared passion and experience to share with others. They will inspire so many others to do the same, while gaining more and more life experiences that will help them on their journey.
The Unit Leader team for Olympia Sports Camp Summer of 2024:
Nicki Robertson- Head Unit Leader and Counsellor in Training program. Studying abroad in Prague. It's her 7th year at camp.
Caellum Gallander - is currently travelling and working in Australia-4th summer at camp and looks after the Office
Amy Maclennan- is in her third year and is studying business and economics at the University of Guelph. Amy is in charge of the Waterfront
Saige Vickers- is in charge of Ropes and is studying nursing at Windsor and is in her second year at camp.
Sarah Stolz- studying Geography in Austria. She is in her 4th year at camp and looks after tuck and programming
Andrew Vanbakel- is in his 3rd summer and will be looking after fitness. He is heading to Nipissing University in the fall of 2024
Ryan Byrne is from Scotland and has come to Canada to work and travel. He spent the winter working at Blue Mountain. Ryan is in charge of audio visual and maintenance in his 2nd summer at camp.
In meeting these people through a zoom meeting I was impressed with their enthusiasm, an enthusiasm that will be taught and caught to the entire staff. I was more impressed with the proof that "Taking the Bat Off The Shoulder" impacts lives. Tough choices lead to personal growth and the 2024 senior staff is proof of that. I look forward to connecting with them at camp and know that every young counsellor and camper will benefit by their presence. I wish them a great summer as part of the next phase of their journey, their Hero's Journey.
SAVE THE DATE ... and another announcement soon

The OAA needs your help. If you are an Olympia Sports Camp Alumni we need you to register for the OAA and get those in your circle of Olympia contacts to do the same. The link is at:
Olympia has created an App that will allow Alumni to connect with the camp events, read content about some amazing Olympia people, and maybe sign your child or grandchild up for the week of their lives. Simply use this QR code to get to the App and all it offers. It will take you to the Olympia website and so much more!
Why should I buy a book?
- See the 12 steps of the hero's journey come alive
- Learn a lot about yourself by reading about the journey of others.
-Learn about the land of Interlaken, from its indigenous beginnings, to the European migration, to the Norwegians during the second world war, to the launch of Olympia Sports Camp.
- Learn about the Community of Olympia that spans over 50 years.
- Learn that Olympia is a Community of Everyday Heroes
- Learn that you, too, are a hero of your own journey
How can I buy a book
-available for order through Amazon and
t-available at Indigo, Burlington Brant Street location.
- available at The Different Drummer Book Store on Locust Street in Burlington
- available at the Olympia Tuck and Pro Shop
- Etransfer me $30 and I'll drive it to your house !
- available online at
- audiobook version is available at Audible, Amazon, and iTunes
If you would like us to come to your town for a book event or get copies into your favourite bookstore , email me at We travel well.
Thanks Chris for high lighting these great leaders. You have captured their responsibilities as liasons with the systems you mention. The heart of their responsibilities lie also in creating the safe and vibrant community of campers and staff that is Olympia. They are definitely Heroes on a journey this summer.