The twists and turns a journey can take.
I had the good fortune of meeting Brendan Morris, forever known as Brendo, many years ago as a counsellor at Olympia. When I was writing my book, and realizing the impact of staffing from around the world, I knew I wanted to interview Brendo and Martin Paul. Chapter Six of A Hero's Journey: Beyond Little Norway and Olympia Sports Camp. is entitled Allies and Ogres. Brendo has been an ally for hundreds.
Did Brendo find Olympia, or did Olympia find Brendo? Either way, the camp is a better place because of him.
Here is an excerpt from that interview from 2019:
Originally from Sydney, Australia, Brendo had just finished his undergraduate degree and was looking for what most international applicants are looking for: a combination of a life experience in a different culture and working in sports, something Brendo had done his whole life. He thought he would be heading to the U.S. but he found out getting into a camp in Canada had its advantages. With Canada being a commonwealth country, Australians could get a two year work Visa. He applied to Canada and Olympia was the first camp to give him an interview.
Brendo speaks highly of the camp that brought him to canada.
"Olympia represents a place I enjoy being at every day and the work I am doing. It's happened many times that I've had a tough couple of days here and I just go out on a kayak or canoe and look back at the camp and realize that I'm being paid to be here. It's been awesome and life-changing for me. Dave has given me opportunities to grow, with so many tasks added to my plate once he realized I was capable. He challenged me to take the bat off my shoulder, and I'm better for it."
Like many, Brendo's Olympia journey showed the flexibility and ingenuity of great leaders. Hired in 2015 to work ropes and be a sports counsellor, he originally thought he'd spend 4 months doing a working holiday. Plans change. He stayed on for the Fall season and became an outdoor education facilitator. The following year he was hired for the Spring and became a Unit Leader in the summer, which he did for four years. He then became outdoor education director and did that for three years. Lots of growth, but a much bigger change was coming.
Not only an Olympia stalwart who has given much, Brendo also brings his experience in Rugby to his adopted homeland. Here is Brendo at his jersey presentation with Canadian captain/ coach Aaron Frisby for the recent Men's over 30 World Cup of Touch Rugby. Even his journey to this team has a unique twist. Brendo moved to Canada permanently in 2019, when Olympia still had its offices in Markham. Spending his winters in the city, Brendo was looking for a social sports activity and found touch rugby, which he had played most of his life in Australia. In 2023 Touch Canada hosted tryouts for its World Cup teams and Brendo made the team, which gave him yet another global experience, competing in Nottingham England in July 2024. Just recently he also competed in the USA Nationals in Arizona, where Canada had its best-ever result, getting through pool play unscathed before losing to the eventual champions Utah in the semi finals.
An Olympian Hero on his Journey!