The twists and turns a journey can take. I had the good fortune of meeting Brendan Morris, forever known as Brendo, many years ago as a counsellor at Olympia. When I was writing my book, and realizing the impact of staffing from around the world, I knew I wanted to interview Brendo and Martin Paul . Chapter Six of A Hero's Journey : Beyond Little Norway and Olympia Sports Camp . is entitled Allies and Ogres. Brendo has been an ally for hundreds. Did Brendo find Olympia, or did Olympia find Brendo? Either way, the camp is a better place because of him. Here is an excerpt from that interview from 2019: Originally from Sydney, Australia, Brendo had just finished his undergraduate degree and was looking for what most international applicants are looking for: a combination of a life experience in a different culture and working in sports, something Brendo had done his whole life. He thought he would be heading to the U.S. but he f...