The Epilogue I have always been amazed and impressed by fiction writers. I may be reading a book and be carried away to somewhere else in the world. I may be moved to emotion from what the author drags out of me through their writing. I may be watching a TV show and wonder how to these writers come up with this stuff? Those who can create fiction amaze me. It's like a whole other level of writing. My writing is a factual, non-fiction that is developed through research, not the beautiful creativity of the fiction writer. In writing A Hero's Journey: Beyond Little Norway and Olympia Sports Camp I felt an urge at the end to try my hand at a little fiction that would put a bow on the culture of Olympia. No idea where this came from but it was fun. I hope you the enjoy the epilogue. Epilogue The 13-year-old boy and his 11-year-old sister boarded the bus in Toronto, heading north for a week’s adventure that they had been looking forward to for a long time....