May 24th honours Queen Victoria. Some call it the unofficial beginning of summer. Some call it May 2-4. But for a lot of people in the Olympia alumni family and beyond May 24 will be day of reflection and remembrance. That is the day, in different years, that Olympia lost two of its most dynamic and positive personalities who influenced many; John Petrushchak and Kelly Dunham. To honour these legends I provide an excerpt of each from A Hero's Journey: Beyond Little Norway and Olympia Sports Camp . Hundreds of people have walked the grounds of Olympia over its 50-year span and these two were among the best. Coach P passed away on May 24, 2022, just a few days shy of his 83rd birthday. Kelly passed away on May 24, 2020 after a brief illness at the age of 51. That their journeys impacted hundreds is an understatement. John had a great career ar George Harvey and Runnymede CI and is one of Ontario's winningest basketball coaches. The players who model their lives after their men...