Barry Howson was honoured recently as the first black to play on the National basketball team when he represented Canada at the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo. Coach Howson and his whole family should be and are proud of this accomplishment but the truth of the matter is that his whole family, and hundreds of Olympia alumni can attest that there is much more to the story, and the man, and his journey. The best part of hearing the news that Barry was going to be honoured at a FIBA America Qualifying game was that I had the good fortune to interview him for the chapter on Olympia coaches in A Hero's Journey: Beyond Little Norway and Olympia Sports Camp. I already knew the story, and so much more. Coach Howson's portion of the chapter deals with the hero having to slay dragons in their quest for their ultimate goal and Barry's life is testament to that. The youngest in a family of nine, Barry lost his dad when he was 15. He excelled in various sports and spurned several NCA...