One of the aspects of any journey is the people that you meet along the way who impact your path while they are exploring theirs. At Olympia, one meets so many positive people and positive influences, the allies who help us take on challenges and tests. One such ally is Adina Lopez. Adina (née Franceschino) has a unique Olympia journey that took her from being a camper for only a year and led her to become someone we could call an Olympia lifer. Life took her from small-town St. Thomas, Ontario, to York University in Toronto, to Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, and now to a teaching career in Halton and a beautiful family life in nearby Dundas, Ontario. This fantastic journey also took her from being an athlete to being an athletic therapist, and then to being an elementary school teacher. And every step of the way, Olympia played a role. St. Thomas, Ontario, is one of those towns brimming with athletes who as kids played every sport and could achieve...