Next step on the journey A good friend shared this great perspective on life to motivate me in times of doubt: The two hardest things in life are to start something and to finish something… This week the process of producing A Hero’s Journey: Beyond Little Norway and Olympia Sports Camp takes a turn as the manuscript is off to the publisher. This is an exciting stage of any book, but the reality is that there are many steps to go through. What makes it exciting is that, although I’ve been down this path before, there are unknowns that will assuredly come across my path…. I also want to take this chance to say that I will be taking a little break from Tuesdays with Dave and focus on what’s in front of me…. I have done almost 70 blog entries and just need a different focus for now. Even Mitch Albom didn’t do it EVERY Tuesday with Morrie....The blog has allowed me to share much of what the book is made of, and I hope people have enjoyed it and are looking forwa...