Thank You..Thank you very much At Olympia Sports Camp there are those who come for a week of camp, there are those who come for a week of camp for several years, there are those who aspire to become one of the cool counsellors, there are those who began their Olympia journey very young as a coach’s kid, there are those who grow through the ranks of staff to become senior staff, there are a select few who become full time staff, there are coaches who come to camp year after year, some until their own kids stop coming, while others need their Olympia fix and keep coming. And then there is Danny Russell. Now we are talking originals. To be accurate Danny missed the first three years of Olympia as he was playing senior lacrosse for the Owen Sound North Stars, and they were always in the playoffs leading to the Minto Cup. Truth be told, though, Danny Russell was in on the original discussion of Dave Grace opening a sports camp, sitting around the Phys...