It's Gotta Be Fun It’s Like the Master’s. Once you win, you’re always invited back. Al Overwijk’s ‘win’ is a win for Olympia. Olympia coach Al Overwijk is in the Lindsay, Ontario Sports Hall of Fame. He was a star at Carleton University in Ottawa. He coached at Carleton. He runs basketball day camps in both his hometown of Lindsay and at his summer cottage in Lac Sam, Quebec. He is an inspiring teacher and basketball coach at Ottawa’s Glebe High School. But he is also a world champion. This national level basketball player and coach is a world-class prankster with a heart of gold and a passion for helping kids and having fun, usually at the same time. Overwijk is a high school math teacher who brings stories and humour into the classroom daily. As he says on his blog, he has two passions: basketball and math. When teaching geometry, he was tired of drawing circles on the blackboard using a compass so one day he just tried a free hand circle, and it was…perfect...