Re-using the picture to bring out a beautiful story. When this process started I requested and collected stories written by Olympians about Olympia. Anyone was and is welcome to submit a personal story of 500 words and it will be in the book. The chapter is called the Soul Of Olympia because these people and their stories make up the fabric of this world-class camp. Per was one of the first stories submitted, a sign of how much this story and this camp mean to him Per Tøien, basketball coach, week 7 Meeting my past In 2008 I walked into the coaches’ room at Olympia for the first time – and met my father! The pictures on the wall of Norwegian airmen in winter training – that might have been him! It dawned on me that I was standing at the same place where my father had spent many leisure hours on leave from Little Norway. Nora Sheffe, she of Week 7 and a Lady of Leisure, and I have a common past with our families in Zimbabwe in the nineties....